Who is Duncan J Watts?

He is a sociologist and principal researcher at Microsoft Research

Duncan James Watts is a sociologist and principal researcher at Microsoft Research, New York City known for his work on small-world networks.

What is this Book all About?

It is about you thinking outside the Box

This book took me a little bit by surprise. I had to read this book quite a few times as a lot of he said, at first, did not make sense. But, the more I read it, the more sense it made. 

A couple of things that stand out in this book:

  • Common sense is not common and it often that deceives us by applying simple logic to complex issues. For example, apply personal finance rules to how the economy works. 
  • Why does history repeat itself? It does because it is hard to learn from history. 
  • "Experts" are actually worse than normal people at predicting anything. 
  • Also, explains black swan events - events that shape history. 

Course curriculum

    1. Step 1 - Get the Book

    2. Step 2 - Download the Mind Map

    3. Step 3 - Extended Analysis (Video)

    4. Extended Analysis (Audio)

About this course

  • $9.99
  • 4 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

Ready to think outside the Box?